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纽约州教育局的 教学创新处 provides comprehensive information regarding the teacher certification process in New York State, including an FAQ page 这将回答你的大部分问题.


有关部门的政策及程序,请参阅 教师教育手册


The New York State Education Department (NYSED) requires teachers to obtain certification before they can teach. Remember, 跟上毕业的最后期限是你的责任, 纽约州教师资格考试(NYSTCE), 认证申请, and requirements.



你必须完成我们nysed批准的教育学习项目之一, 包括可接受的学术专业, 必修的教学课程, 学生教学实习, 并在毕业时授予学位.


NYSED requires that the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability (OSPRA) conduct fingerprint-supported criminal history background checks for applicants for teacher certification and all prospective employees of school districts, charter schools, and BOCES.

It is the experience of Marist faculty that most school districts do expect the candidate to provide verification that they have been fingerprinted and have passed a criminal history background check prior to beginning a sustained field experience and/or student teaching placement.

如果你正在考虑成为另一个州的合格教师, you are advised to consult their fingerprinting regulations since New York's fingerprinting clearance is not transferrable to other states, 纽约州也不接受其他州的指纹识别. 如果您不选择在纽约申请指纹通关, please know that your placement for field experiences or student teaching may not be in a school/district in proximity to campus since most local school districts do require student teachers to be fingerprinted. bet亚洲365欢迎投注教育局将尽力提供当地的实习机会, 但可能不得不求助于离校园更远的地方.

教育部强烈建议考生, 包括即将入学的转学生, who will be required to participate in field experiences or student teaching be fingerprinted the semester prior to beginning that field experience or student teaching.

This message is very important for you if you have not yet been fingerprinted for your TEACH account:

MorphoTrust is a private vendor contracted by New York State to handle the fingerprinting requirements for educators, governmental offices, 以及其他需要指纹识别的服务.

MorphoTrust在纽约和其他州设有服务中心. The candidate makes an appointment at one of the centers through a web-based online system. 中心的位置可在 www.IdentoGo.com. (选择NY,然后点击位置.)

Details are:

  • 在MorphoTrust系统中,您将被要求输入ORI号码. Use TEACH as this code.
  • 候选人负责预约一个MorphoTrust中心. The 整个指纹申请和费用 将由MorphoTrust管理. 使用上面的链接访问在线应用程序. 完成在线申请时,您可以使用信用卡付款. 另一种选择是,您可以在预约地点完成申请. 如果你选择在现场完成申请,你必须用支票或现金支付.
  • 费用略高于100美元. This amount is for the New York Department of Criminal Justice, FBI, and MorphoTrust fees.
  • 携带两种形式的身份证件到您的指纹采集预约. 一张表格必须是身份证照片(如.g., driver's license).
  • 对于那些不住在纽约的人, 但在任何一个州,学生教学都需要采集指纹, 你可以在纽约的MorphoTrust地点预约.
  • If fingerprints are rejected due to poor-quality prints and a reprint appointment is necessary, 不另收费.
  • 检查您的TEACH帐户,了解您的指纹应用程序的状态.
  • 有关指纹识别的常见问题,请参阅以下连结: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tsei/ospra/.

如果你选择被指纹,那么请知道 候选人全权负责 及时采集指纹,这样 在学生教学之前收到许可.


“这取决于你为什么被采集指纹. 如果你是在2001年7月1日之后采集指纹的并且你向 纽约证券交易所根据SAVE立法, then you do not need to be fingerprinted again for subsequent employment in a covered school, 不管你是否在那里工作过, 或用于后续的认证申请. 如果你在另一种工作中被采集了指纹, 比如日托工人, security guard, a police officer, etc.你需要再次采集指纹."


如果您不确定您的指纹是否已通过纽约证券交易所处理, 可致电OSPRA:(518) 473-2998.


纽约证券交易所的网站上有一张图表,显示哪些人可以免于指纹采集. 该图表包括如下陈述:

“无薪实习教师被当作志愿者对待, therefore, 不需要进行指纹鉴定”


本着为学生、教职员工等提供安全环境的理念., most area school districts require a candidate to be fingerprinted in order to student teach in one of their schools. Dr. Powers and Dr. 有关这些地区的名称,可向莫里森咨询. If you request a student teaching placement in one of those districts and have yet to be fingerprinted under NYSED's SAVE legislation requirements (see above) then it will be expected that 你将在学生教学开始前的一个学期被采集指纹. 如果你选择在这个时候不被指纹, then please understand that your 学生教学实习 may not occur in a school/district in proximity to campus since most local school districts do require student teachers to be fingerprinted.


Child Abuse Workshop,  预防暴力工作坊, 和《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》将在网上完成. 这三种都可以在 violenceworkshop.com. 这些研讨会将自动记录在TEACH中. However,  please remember that a copy of the 竣工证书 must be brought to the Education Department Office so that your transcript can be processed to indicate you have completed this certification requirement. 记得留一份给自己.


The Dignity for All Students Act training must be documented on your transcripts for recommendation. 每学期将提供校内工作坊. Proof of completion for the on-campus version will be documented on your transcript once the workshop is completed, and once the 竣工证书 是教育署收到的. 请关注本次研讨会的公告. 否则,请在阿尔斯特boce学校安全中心接受DASA培训. (地址是175路. 纽约州新帕尔茨市北32号,邮编12561. 845-255-1400.)会收取费用. 如果你在校外完成培训, you need to have your Dignity for All Students Act workshop documented on your transcript for recommendation by 请寄一份工厂竣工证书的复印件 寄到戴森388的bet亚洲365欢迎投注教育部门.

In order to become certified, candidates MUST fill out an application on their TEACH Account at http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/. There will be a fee. 这个过程应该从学生教学开始.


幼儿教育/特殊教育(社署)1至6年级及出生至二年级 all have the same code: 23307

Biology: 26148
Chemistry: 26149
English: 26144
French: 26146
Math: 26143
Spanish: 26147

Five Year BA-BS/MAT Certification (Grades 7-12 Content Area plus Students with Disabilities)
Adolescence & 地球科学:39454
Adolescence & 特殊教育生物:39455
Adolescence & 特殊教育化学:39456
Adolescence & 特别教育英语:39457
Adolescence & 特别教育法语:39458
Adolescence & 特殊教育社会研究:39459
Adolescence & 特殊教育数学:39460
Adolescence & 特殊教育西班牙语:39461

Adolescence & Special Ed (stand-alone MAT; only for candidates that already have a bachelor’s degree): 39454






There's a self-service feature for students to retrieve their TEACH Account User IDs and Passwords with no waiting time for email responses. 只需点击此链接上的“USERNAME go to”或“PASSWORD go to”即可: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/report.html.

5. 认证考试

Candidates for certification must achieve qualifying scores on the appropriate tests in the New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) program. 请在以下网址注册参加测试 http://www.nystce.nesinc.com/ 当你准备接受他们的时候.

NYSTCE儿童教育/残疾学生考试指南:点击 here

NYSTCE五年制BA-BS/MAT青少年教育考试指南:点击 here.


Marist can recommend you for certification after your degree has been conferred (usually 2-3 weeks after grades are submitted), 然后纽约证券交易所需要大约60天的时间来评估你的申请. Check your TEACH account "Evaluation History" for details on the processing of your application, 因为您可能遗漏了一个需求, 比如研讨会或考试. 如果满足所有要求, 您将在您的TEACH帐户上获得一个控制号码, 哪些可以作为求职申请的证明. 登录您的帐户查看您的状态: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/.

纽约的代课教学: 请点击以下链接了解纽约代课教师的要求: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/substituteteaching.html.

州际互惠: 那些希望在纽约以外的州教书的人应该查看 Certification Map 查阅各州与纽约互惠协议的资料. 由于每个州不断变化的认证法规,此地图可能不是最新的. 直接向感兴趣的州查询更多具体信息.

各州对教师资格认证的要求(包括D.C. and Puerto Rico)

Marist’s teacher education programs are designed to prepare candidates for certification in New York State and are aligned with the certification requirements in the state of New York. Marist College cannot guarantee that these programs will meet the requirements for initial or professional certification in any other state. It is the candidate’s responsibility to research and determine the certification requirements in any other state in which they plan to apply for initial or professional teaching certification. It is also the candidate’s responsibility to determine if the Marist College teacher education programs meet the requirements for certification in states other than New York.